What was once a rare luxury on a builders’ website, Interactive Floor Plans (IFP’s) have become an industry expectation. Builders who thought IFP’s were more novelty than a functional sales tool can no longer argue the overwhelming evidence that IFP’s engage buyers.
Code Cracking: Unlocking the Power of Analytics in Interactive Floor Plans
You implemented Interactive Floor Plans (IFPs) on your website months, if not years ago. Maybe you have seen a report that your IFPs are experiencing a lot of visits which is fantastic; but what else can you find out? You ask yourself, what other information can I gain from Google Analytics and how can I… [Read More]
Pants Optional – Episode Three: Policy Updates
Clients complained they could hear children in the background of a call. After 2020, that complaint no longer exists.
Pants Optional – Episode Two: The Mindset Commute
Before working from home my daily 16-mile commute in Phoenix, Arizona was 23-minutes each way. Other employees ranged from a few minutes away to several driving over an hour each way. Regardless of the time, nobody complained about adding their commute time back in their lives, but after a while, many people discovered there was a downside.
Pants Optional – Episode One: Where Do I Start?
Pants Optional is a series focused on advice to company Owners, Managers, and Employees on how to be successful in a Work-From-Home business model. Episode One: Where Do I Start?